Saturday 23 May 2009

Degree in engineering

Each degree in engineeering represents certain skills the student acquires.
At bachelor degree level, student learns the language of engineering and the fundamental of engineering and design.
At master's level, student acquires the ability to do advanced engineeerig projects and to communicate his/her work effectively both orally and in writing.
The PhD represents a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of a certain field in engineering and mastery the skill necessary both for working at the frontiers of an engineering area and for communicating one's effort to others.

Source : IEEE 2005; C.K. Alexander and M.O Sadiku

Above all degree in engineering, an engineer should constantly educate him/her self, formally and informally, taking advantage of all means of education.

This philosophy should be in line with udlubul `ilma minal mahdi ilal lahdi.

The educators working in engineering educational institution should aware and understand the loads given to the students and provide the best example and condusive enviroment to study. This should become a comitment for any educators to built a better human resource in the future.

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